Western Australia

ACE2020 - to be deferred in response to COVID-19

Over the past few weeks, we have been closely monitoring the circumstances surrounding COVID-19. In light of the recent developments and advice from the World Health Organisation and the Australian Government, the Economic Society of Australia will be deferring all public events until further notice. Unfortunately, this includes the Australian Conference of Economists which was scheduled to be held in Perth from 8 to 10 July 2020.

We have decided the conference will be deferred by a year, so we look forward to seeing everyone in Perth in 2021. Details of this event will be announced in due course.

We thank all our delegates, speakers, sponsors, and suppliers for their support through these times. If you have registered and already paid for the conference we will refund these fees as soon as possible. If you are a speaker, submitted an abstract, or are a sponsor, we will be in contact to discuss options with you and hope to see you next year.

We also thank the conference organising committee for their hard work to date in pulling together this event. We hope we can re-purpose some of the excellent content that was in the pipeline.

Over the coming months the ESA will be working to bring important and topical content via web-based services. We are excited that it will provide an opportunity to improve members’ access to content from different branches and at a time of their choosing. We will advise our members as we progress with these initiatives and encourage you to follow us on social media for the most up-to-date information.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

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Western Australia

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