Western Australia


The Economic Society Workshop on Measurement and Policy is presented as part of Professor Mary S. Morgan 2016 Eminent Speaker Series for the Economic Society of Australia. On this occasion Mary will be joined by a number of highly respected Western Australian economists.

The Workshop is an Economic Society of Australia Event. It is being held on Friday 29 April at Curtin University's Graduate School of Business in Perth, Function Room, 78 Murray Street. The workshop opens at 9:00am and closes at 4:40pm.

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Shann Memorial Lecture 2019

The Shann Memorial Lecture 2019 was held on 24 October with Jennifer Hewett (AFR)


Shann Memorial Lecture 2018

The 2018 Shann Memorial Lecture celebrated two important matters: the memory of Edward Shann, the eminent foundation professor of History and Economics at UWA, and the awarding of the Economic Society of Australia’s prestigious Austin Holmes Award to Professor Ken Clements, the 2018 Shann lecturer.


Economics Forum 2019

The theme of the forum this year is “Economics and Public Policy”. The forum features a panel session that will focus on Public Policy and the Economy.  Panel members are Andrew Dolling, Director, Economic Policy, Department of Treasury WA, Annette Perrin, Director, Creational Consulting Pty Ltd and Rebecca Cassells, Principal Research Fellow, Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre and Chair ACT Women in Economics Network.  The panel session will be chaired by Dr Silvia Salazar, Research Fellow, Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre.


Economics Forum 2018

The theme of the forum is “The State of the Global Economy; Secular Stagnation, Disruption, Opportunity”.  The forum also features a panel session that will focus on the contribution of economics at the global and State level and that of economists in shaping the world we live in. 


Economic Forum 2016

The Economic Society convenned a workshop on measurement and policy with Professor Mary S. Morgan as a key note speaker  |  Speakers also included local luminaries such as Ken Clements, Peter Kolf, and Margaret Nowak amongst others who presented in this full day Economic Workshop.  


29th History of Economic Thought Society of Australia

29th History of Economic Thought Society of Australia Conference


Economic Forum 2017

Download the Workshop Program

Click on the link above to see the program of events.


Western Australia

map Queensland New South Wales Australian Capital Territory Victoria Tasmania South Australia Western Australia