Western Australia


End of Year Function and Christmas Sundowner


From: Thursday December 1, 2016, 5:00 pm

To: Thursday December 1, 2016, 7:00 pm

 The details of the Society’s Christmas Sundowner / Picnic are:


                When:     Thursday 1 December, 5pm to 7pm

                Where:     Matilda Bay Foreshore Reserve,  area 5 (Download the Map)

                Cost:         Members $10.00

                                  Student members $5.00

                                  Non-members $20.00


This year it is a purely social affair, so come along and have some Yuletide fun.  Beer, Wine, Water  and Soft drink will be available, as will light snacks.  It is always great to catch up with old friends on the lovely Matilda Bay Foreshore – and if you have not yet had the opportunity to meet others from the WA economics community, then the Sundowner represents a perfect opportunity to do so.

If you missed the deadline but would still like to attend the Christmas Sundowner, please email Michael McLure at michael.mclure@uwa.edu.au.   







Bookings are now closed


Matilda Bay Foreshore Reserve, area 5

Maltida Bay, Crawley WA 6009

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