The State of WA Government Finances: Implications for the Future
From: Wednesday March 1, 2017, 6:00 pm
To: Wednesday March 1, 2017, 8:00 pm
John Nicolaou is the Exectutive Director, Perth, of ACIL Allen. . He was previously the chief Economics at the WA Chamber of Commerce and, before that, he worked on economic policy at the WA Treasury Department.
Mr John Nicholaou will be presenting a timely seminar to the Economic Society on the “State of WA Government Finances: Implications for the Future”. The seminar will commence at 6pm on Wednesday 1 March in Seminar Room 3 at the University Club (located at UWA).
The seminar will be followed by drinks (beer, wine and soft drinks) and canapés (after 7pm).
This seminar provides a wonderful opportunity for us to reflect on the fiscal constraints that will confront whoever wins the March election!
Cost of registration is as below:
- Student member: $10 (please email Jill at for the student promo code)
- Ordinary / Professional Member: $20
- Representatives of a Corporate Member: $20
- Non-member: $40
Bookings are now closed
Seminar Room 3, The University Club
University of Western Australia, Crawley WA 6009