The Women in Economics Network (WEN)
From: Thursday March 23, 2017, 5:30 pm
To: Thursday March 23, 2017, 7:30 pm
The Women in Economics Network (WEN) is launching in WA!
The launch event is an opportunity to find out more about WEN and to connect with others in the economics profession, including women working in the private sector, government, academia and teaching.
We have assembled a diverse panel to share their perspectives on gender issues in the economics profession, including:
- Nicky Cusworth – Chair, Economic Regulation Authority
- Siobhan Austen – Head of Curtin Business School's Department of Economics and Property Studies, Co-Director WiSER
- Matt Judkins – Partner, Deloitte Access Economics
Please note that attendance is free but registration is required and numbers are limited. Both women and men are welcome to attend the launch event.
We are also seeking expressions of interest to be part of the WA WEN Committee, the organisation responsible for coordinating the WEN’s activities in WA. If you are interested in getting involved, please email us at:
Event details:
There will be canapés and pre-drinks starting at 5.30pm, with the more formal part of the event commencing at 6pm.
From: Thursday March 23, 2017, 5.30pm
To: Thursday March 23, 2017, 7.30pm
With thanks to our Sponsors
Sorry: Event is Fully Booked
Deloitte Access Economics
123 St George's Terrace, Perth WA 6000