From: Monday October 2, 2023, 6:30 pm
To: Monday October 2, 2023, 8:00 pm
This is the first Workshop in the series of three separate Econometric Workshops that have been jointly organised by the WA Young Economists Network (WA YEN), WA Treasury and the Curtin Economics Society (CES) which are free for all Students to attend and will be delivered by Zac Muscat (Economist, WA Dept. of Treasury).
The first Econometric Workshop is due to take place on the evening on Monday, 2 October 2023 from 6:30pm to 8pm at the Hollis Lecture Theatre (Building 401) located within the Curtin University Bentley Campus (Building 401 on this map).
All Attendees to this Econometric Workshop will need to bring their laptop along with them (to follow along with the content and material that will be presented at Workshop 1).
Topics covered in Workshop 1 will include:
- Formatting & structuring R code; Importing data into R
- Excel; Stata, RData Files
- read.abs function
- read.rba function
- API query
- Exporting/Saving Data into Excel & R Data File
- Data Wrangling
- Sub-setting data frames
- Grouping data; Making new variables
- Combine data sets
- Converting from wide to long and back
Bookings are now closed
Hollis Lecture Theatre (Building 401), Curtin University Bentley Campus
TBC, Bentley WA 6102