Western Australia


ESA WA is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information. Our privacy policy adheres to the National Privacy Principles as required under the Privacy Act 1988

The personal information that you submit to us is collected in order to provide information services to you which in turn facilitates the co-ordination of meetings and events. We may:

  • share the information with other branches of the Economic Society and with the Economic Society’s Central Council;
  • disclose the information to outside parties and service providers in the course of undertaking activities of the Society; and
  • use the information with your consent or as otherwise required by law.

We will not disclose, sell or trade your personal information to any organisation other than as set out above. You may access your information at any time.

If you do require access to your personal information, or have any concerns regarding its use please contact the Secretary. If any of the information we hold is incorrect, inaccurate or out-of-date, please contact us immediately and we will amend the information so held.

Updated 15 April 2019


Western Australia

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